Terms of Use

Dear User, the following Terms of Use apply to this Website https://netivey-hakama.co.il/        hereinafter: (“The Website”) that is managed and operated by “Netivei Hakama” Ltd. (hereinafter: “The Operator “)   

The use of the Website, its Content and the various services operating thereon confirms that you accept these Terms of Use, so please read them carefully.

The Website’s Terms of Use apply to the use of the Website and its Content via any computer or other communication device (e.g., cellular telephones, all kinds of Personal Digital Assistants etc.). They also apply to the use of the Website, whether via the Internet or any communication network, or other means of communication.

The term User is subject to all the Users and/or readers that are using this Website (hereinafter: “The User “).

  1.  Introduction:
  • “Content” on this Website will be considered as: articles, reviews, data, news, analysis, Content, evaluations in text, images and / or voice and / or video, which will be made available to the Website’s surfers, as well as by any means, including an end device, currently available, Or will exist in the future, which allows viewing of the Content, whether this Content is owned by the Website operator and / or the Website or whether it is owned by a third party, which allows the Website and / or the Website operator the right to use them (hereinafter: “The Content”).
  • These Terms are formulated in male form only for convenience, and of course, they also apply to females.  
  • Please read the terms of use carefully and carefully, as the beginning of use of the Website indicates that you declare that you have read, understood and approved the terms of use, and that you or anyone on your behalf will not have any claim and / or demand and / or claim against the Website operator and / or anyone on its behalf Regarding these terms of use. If you do not agree to these Terms of Use, in whole or in part, you may not use this Website for any purpose.
  • The operator reserves the right to change the terms of use of the Website without any prior notice to the surfers of the Website and this will not detract from the validity of the regulations and its applicability.
  1. Limitation of liability:
  • The operator will not be responsible for the truth and accuracy of the Content presented on the Website, whether in the Content that belongs to it and / or Content that belongs to a third party and that has been uploaded by it.
  • The Operator will not be responsible for any damage of any kind that is caused and / or will be caused to the User and / or a third party in respect of the Content displayed on the Website.
  • The images on the Website are for illustration purposes only.
  • The Operator will not be responsible for the User’s contact with advertisers on the Website.
  • The Website and everything displayed on it can be used without warranty of any kind, express or implied.
  • All Content displayed on the Website does not constitute a substitute for legal advice and / or advice by professionals in any field and subject that is presented on the Website.
  • The Website is offered to the public “as is”.
  • The Operator will not be responsible for adapting the Website to the needs of the User, nor for the inability to use the services through the Website, as detailed above.
  • The User declares that he hereby releases the Operator from any responsibility, directly or indirectly, in any case where a transaction and / or browsing of the Website will not be carried out, in part and / or in full, for any reason and responsibility for any technical and / or other problem.
  1. Third party advertisements, links and references on the Website:
  • The Operator or anyone on its behalf will not be responsible for any advertising Content or other commercial information published on the Website. The publication on the Website is not a recommendation and / or opinion or expression of opinion or encouragement or solicitation, by the Website operator and in fact any decision regarding the use of Content found by the User on the Website, will be made at the sole responsibility of the User.
  • The Website may contain links and / or references to other Websites and / or sources of information and / or to bodies and / or organizations and / or other companies (hereinafter: “links”).
  • The Operator does not guarantee that all the links found on the Website will be correct and will lead to an active website.
  • A particular link on the Website does not indicate that the Content of the linked website is reliable, complete or up to date, and the Operator will not bear any responsibility in this regard.
  • The Operator will not be responsible for the Content, data or visual elements to which the links lead and is not responsible for any result that may be caused by their use or reliance on them.
  • Any contract between the User and third parties to whom the links lead will be made with those third parties only, at his own risk and / or responsibility, and the Website operator will have no responsibility and / or obligation in connection with such contract.
  • The Operator will be entitled to remove links included in the Website in the past, or to refrain from adding new links – all at its sole discretion.
  • We encourage the User to carefully read the terms of use and privacy policy of those links.
  • Without derogating from the aforesaid, the Operator is not responsible for any damage – indirect or direct – caused to the User or his property as a result of using or relying on the information and Content appearing on the Websites he accesses through or through use or linking on the Website. On the Website by third parties.
  1. Transfer of rights and obligations:
  • The Operator may, at its discretion, terminate the activity of any User of the Website services, including by blocking an IP number, provided that he does not comply with the terms of this agreement.
  • B. In the event of a breach by the User regarding these terms of use, the Website operator will, at its discretion, be entitled to disclose its name and details known to it about it in any legal proceeding, even if no order of the teacher is given.
  • third. The Operator does not guarantee that the Website will not be closed and / or that the activity on it will not be stopped temporarily or permanently and reserves the right to close the Website and / or its activities at any time at its sole discretion.
  1. Transfer of rights and obligations:
  • Without prejudice to the foregoing, the Operator may waive its obligations and transfer its rights, at any time under these terms of use, to a third party, at its sole discretion,
  • In the above case, the User details held by the Website management will be transferred to the third party, who will receive the rights on the Website, and the User agrees to this in advance.
  1. Intellectual Property:
  • All intellectual property rights in the Content appearing on the Website, including the design of the Website, images, graphic files, applications, computer code, text and / or any other material, belong to the Website operator or a third party who allowed the Website operator to use it.
  • You may not copy in whole or in part, publicly display, distribute, perform publicly, make available to the public, modify, process or create derivative works, sell or rent any of the above Content, by any means and media, without the prior written consent of the rights holders. Any use of the above Content and trademarks appearing on the Website and / or the Website logo is prohibited without permission from the Website operator
  • The Website is for personal use and may not be used commercially.
  • The User undertakes not to infringe in any way on the copyright of the Website management, whether directly or indirectly, whether in return or not.
  • The User undertakes not to take any action, either directly or indirectly, that could infringe on the property rights.
  • Any use that infringes copyright and / or intellectual property as specified above, will serve as a reason to close the User account without any prior notice, and the User will bear all expenses that will be incurred by the Website operator and / or customers and / or the User himself for this use, and / or closure the User’s account, without detracting from any other remedy due to the Website operator by virtue of an agreement and / or by virtue of law. Penetration into the computer system of the Website constitutes a criminal offense under the law applicable in Israel.
  • This document was prepared and written by Adv. Yael Harel – all rights reserved.

כן, אני רוצה לשתף אתגר מקצועי

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